Can I Enhance the Size of My Penis More Than Once?
The size of a man’s penis, or how he feels about the size of his penis, has a direct impact on his self-esteem. For most men, if they have above-average girth and length, they’re far more likely to feel confident in the bedroom and in general.
Men who are concerned about the size of their penis can develop anxiety and performance issues, which is why penis enhancement procedures are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments on the market today.
Penis Enhancement Options that Don’t Work
If you’ve started looking into penis enhancement options, you’ll know just how many pills, creams and devices are out there.
Penis pumps are one of many popular devices and work by drawing more blood into the penis to offer temporary enlargement. Penis extenders are worn on a daily basis and are designed to gradually stretch the penis over time.
When these devices don’t work, many men turn to one or more of the many supplements and creams that claim to enhance penis size. The reality is that these products are not regulated and can contain ingredients that will end up doing more harm than good.
At the end of the day, if you want to see real results, know that you’re not going to achieve them by wasting your time and money on bogus devices, pills and lotions.
Penis Enhancement Options that Produce Real Results
The good news is that there are penis enhancement options available that can produce the results you’re hoping for. Let’s look at some of them now:
Dermal Fillers. To enhance the size of the penis, a substance called hyaluronic acid is injected into the shaft of the penis. Not only is this substance completely safe because it is found naturally in the body but you will be able to reverse the results should you not be happy with them. Find out more about the Calibre penis enlargement treatment here.
Penoplasty. Penile lengthening surgery is another option that is capable of producing real results but this is one of the more costly and risky options. During the procedure, a ligament is released that allows more of the penis to hang down. You can potentially increase the length of your penis by about 4cms using this surgery.
Fat Transfer. This particular surgery is designed to give you more girth and involves the removal of excess fat from areas such as your abdomen or thighs. Once the fat is processed, it’s injected into the penis to create more girth.
Repeat Enhancement Procedures
Men are generally so impressed by their results that they consider scheduling the same procedure a second time but just how safe is this and will it make a difference?
Only some penis enhancement options are able to be repeated. Dermal fillers need to be repeated if you want to maintain your results and the same applies to fat transfer procedures. Penis surgery can’t be performed a second time as the ligament can only be cut once.